

My training and study of Classical Homeopathy has deeply affected my approach and understanding of the application of Rolfing as I work with each person individually. I have completed 750 hours of training at the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy in Minnesota.

On occasion, I administer acute homeopathic remedies to my clients. Additionally, for clients looking to resolve chronic and longstanding issues I collaborate with a number of highly trained and skilled homeopaths.

Rolfing and Homeopathy are very complimentary modalities in the transformative healing process of the individual. From the homeopathic view of the whole person, the various problems and symptoms, both past and present, are all related. They reflect the unique health expression of that individual. Furthermore, the parts of the body do not independently get sick. It is the whole person who gets sick, even though most diseases express in predominantly one part of the body or another.

 In the era prior to modern science, various concepts of vital force were widely accepted. This is an invisible, immaterial, yet dynamic force which animates the physical body. This vital principle maintains all the parts of the material body, both sensation and function, in a harmonious and coordinated manner. The mind and will can then express higher purpose in life. Without this vital force, the material body is incapable of any sensation or function.

 The essence of illness is a disorder in the vital force. Because of this disorder people are susceptible to various diseases and afflictions. When the integrity of the vital force is restored, the whole organism recovers health and the disease is cured. Homeopathy is the therapeutic science of the whole person. It is not substitute for proper nutrition, exercise, healthy emotional relationships, or a meaningful spiritual life.