Frequencies of Brilliance

What is Frequencies of Brilliance?


Frequencies of Brilliance is a system of personal growth and change that allows the participant to access or liberate parts of themselves that can be used to heal and transform unwanted or self-sabotaging forms of behavior, patterns of thinking and feeling.

From a holistic point of view, much disease comes from the imbalance in the body created by these dysfunctional patters in the body, mind and/or spirit. Also, it is believed that we each possess inside of ourselves what is required to correct this imbalance. This correction serves to heal the body, mind and soul from the inside out.

Frequencies of Brilliance is a system of energetic body work that works at the cellular and DNA level. It is a complete body of work that by-passes the intellectual mind and ego self. It is work that accesses the core of the person.

What happens in a Frequencies of Brilliance session?


A client lies on the massage table and the intention is set to relax and receive work from a Certified Practitioner. A session takes approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour, 15 minutes. The work is done by a simple touch on the body, or just above the body and works through energetic “doorways” or specific points on the body that can been seen or felt by the practitioner. They are called “doorways” because they are energetic openings that allow other forms of opening in the client’s life. Each doorway contains birthing frequencies that get transmitted into the cells of the body and brain. These frequencies awaken the remembrance process so that a journey of recollecting yourself occurs. These doorways are located through the front and back of the body.

These doorways are on the head, face, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis and on the arms and legs. The practitioner typically uses a finger or thumb and a very light touch at the site of these specific doorways. The practitioner also utilizes breath, toning and movement to activate the release and integration of these energies. Each session is “mapped” very specifically for a client. Each Frequencies of Brilliance session contains a series of mapped energetic sequencies of doorways, which are designed to systematically awaken and integrate new frequencies into the cells of the body. It is my experience that even though each session can stand alone and is complete in itself that there is also a cumulative unfolding that continues to build as you receive Frequencies of Brilliance sessions.

As a client and practitioner go more deeply into a session or series of sessions, it seems to open both people to new levels of experiences and messages from the body If you allow that experience to unfold in your body, then, without judging it, it awakens the body and connects the awakened body to the spiritual consciousness. This can manifest itself concretely in your life as the return of natural gifts, increased awareness and sensitivity, creative problem solving, living more in the present, with more joy and increased vitality, energy and inner peace, and a better sense of well-being. These are only a few of the possible concrete results which many clients experience.

How is this work compatible and useful with Rolfing?


Both Frequencies of Brilliance and Rolfing have as their goal the evocation of human potential. These are both systems that deal with alignment: Rolfing develops the alignment of the physical structure to itself and within the field of gravity; Frequencies of Brilliance facilitates the alignment of the energetic body as to evoke the true self in the physical body.

Rolfing accesses the dense physical body and works to free and release the “self” that is bound in the dimension of time and space – the third dimension. Frequencies of Brilliance works in the fourth and fifth dimension (beyond time and space) to unwind the deepest holding patterns and trauma that are held at the cellular level.

In my explorations of many systems of energy work, I have found Frequencies of Brilliance to be the most consistent with the goals of Rolfing. Frequencies of Brilliance works at the cellular and DNA level and is bone deep work. The combination of both systems of work allows for the deepest release structurally, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Who can benefit from this work?


This work can be helpful to anyone wanting to experience healing of the body, mind and spirit. It is appropriate for people of all ages, from infants to seniors. It works on physical/structural problems, emotional disabilities and brain disorders. More specifically, this work has been very helpful and beneficial with children who have different types of brain injury, but not limited to conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism, ADD, ADHD and dyslexia.

Frequencies of Brilliance has been found to help ease “dis-ease” in the body; it can help with emotional imbalances such as depression, manic-depression and schizophrenia; with addictions to drugs and alcohol. It can help stroke victims, Alzheimer’s patients and people who have diseases of the blood, cancers and many other autoimmune diseases. This work seems to also be excellent for degenerative spinal conditions and nerve problems.

In essence, it has been found to work on every level of the body, structure, organ and glandular level. On a more spiritual level, people report a deep sense of peace, groundedness and a growing sense of their own center of expression.


“To penetrate the hardest armor,
use the softest touch.
Yielding melts resistance.
Density is filled with light.
Good work is accomplished without effort.
In silence the teachings are heard;
In stillness the world is transformed.”

— Lao Tzu

My core philosophy.

My core philosophy is expressed through processes that deal with our inner transformation. I believe “Frequencies of Brilliance” is a vehicle of individual empowerment and transformation. I believe that each person possesses within themselves, the power to transform the inevitable sufferings of life into happiness; to move from the unconscious to the conscious; and has the ability to make the impossible, possible.

I also believe that all of us have the potential to awaken to our true selves, to a deep rooted wisdom and to a joyful state of life. This awakening develops over a period of time.

I believe our task is to establish a firm inner world; a strong sense of self that will not be swayed or shaken by the most trying circumstances or pressing adversity. I believe that when we focus on changing our inner life (including our thoughts, beliefs, emotional responses), we then develop our character, cultivate wisdom and develop our innate courage and compassion. We then come to live and act for the happiness of others and the betterment of society as well as for our own personal fulfillment.

I am interested in the inner terrain of our being. I recognize that the establishment of a true respect for life and the dignity of the individual, which is crucial to a lasting peace, is among the most difficult of all undertakings. Often when confronted with adversity, illness, or failure, we may respond with fear, anguish, anxiety, doubt, anger. Hope from within can dispel such darkness.

It is these core beliefs and values that have guided me to find life work as a Rolfer and also as a Frequencies of Brilliance Practitioner. This work best expresses who I am and how I can most effectively facilitate change and healing for others.

Trainings in other healing systems include:


From the Upledger Institute I have received several levels of training in: Cranial Sacral work, Visceral Manipulation and Mechanical Link.


Energy Work:

  • Bioenergy Healing with Mietek Wirkus

  • Reconnective Healing

  • Reiki

  • Qi Gong

Other Training:

  • Trauma Energetics with Peter Levigne

  • Breathwork with Stan Groff

  • Psychotherapy

Both Frequencies of Brilliance and Rolfing have as their goal the evocation of human potential. These are both systems that deal with alignment: Rolfing develops the alignment of the physical structure to itself and within the field of gravity; Frequencies of Brilliance facilitates the alignment of the energetic body as to evoke the true self in the physical body.

 I have seen the way that a client who is struggling with receiving Rolfing has had a complete transformation in their healing after receiving Frequencies of Brilliance work. For example, a client may have been experiencing even light Rolfing work as extremely painful, but then after as few as one session of Frequencies of Brilliance, their body opened up completely to a place where they were then able to receive deep structural change from the Rolfing. Frequencies of Brilliance is a body of work that can stand alone, but within the practice of Rolfing, it acts as a catalyst for change in the body-mind structure.


Frequencies of Brilliance accesses new areas of the brain, allowing them to function for the first time. The patient often experiences a feeling of coming to oneself and a sense of peace and wellbeing. Additionally, because of its impact on the brain and nervous system, this healing technique has been effective for various neurological disorders and brain issues that have been difficult to treat with other forms of medicine. (From Joyce Browning).

 I have been practicing Frequencies of Brilliance for over twenty years and have completed over thirty-seven levels of training. I have continued my training in this healing technique on a yearly basis so that I can be better attuned to high levels of frequencies. These trainings have equipped me to work more deeply with the tissues of the body, the organs, the bones, the brain, and the nervous system to bring in more light and healing to my clients. I too, must undergo deep emotional processing as a practitioner so that I may help my clients to do the same.